Welcome! Here you will find all of my prayer letters written ever since I started the ministry as a Missionary to Honduras, and then as I now am as a Missionary to the Spanish-Speaking People of the Americas. We hope to update this with our current prayer letter that we send out every two months.

Monday, June 28, 2010

May - June 2010

             The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.  (Nahum 1:7)

            Greetings once again from the Breakers,

The last two months God has given us quite a few opportunities to increase in patience.  We’ve agonized, we’ve tired, and we’ve waited patiently on the Lord.  But finally, we’ve seen a ray of light at the end of the tunnel, and we’re happy to report that God has moved on our behalf to help us get to a point where we can start anew!
            The beginning of May, I fell into terrible health.  I had unbearable back and shoulder pains and could barely lift my head from the pillow.  It took a full three weeks to recover.  I even had to go to a Chiropractor.  But thankfully, the pain eventually went away.  The doctor said stress and pulling a muscle were the culprits.
            In our last prayer letter, we gave you an important prayer request to pray for, which has impeded us greatly, and kept our future in complete disarray.  We are happy to report God has answered our prayers and things are finally finalized!  We now own our Alabama house completely, and must now work towards fixing it up and selling it. 
            We’ve also reported we’re on furlough working towards getting our affairs in order.  Part of that includes working on our Florida house as well.  There is so much to do we feel so overwhelmed!  So far, we’ve replaced many boards on the side of the house that were rotten, and now we are working on replacing even more rotten wood.  It will be nice to finish everything, so we can focus more attention on the ministry.  But this is a pressing matter which must be done, and we are working hard to finish it.  We also have to rebuild the bulkhead on the waterfront, as the old one has fallen down, and the neighbors are already getting impatient, as they are losing some dirt and sand from their yards.  Maybe someday we could sell our Florida house as well, and use the money for the ministry. 
            So, our life lately has been working many long days of hard labor as we work towards finishing what God’s laid on us to do.  (Some furlough, huh?)
            In the evenings, I’m able to check my email and work on the computer.  I get emails continually from people wanting me to send them a pure Spanish Bible, and we send out quite a few each month. (So many we’re almost out!)   
            I’ve recently written a new tract, and I’m including it herein.  I hope you enjoy it.  The picture on the front I drew myself, as I looked at my own hand and sketched it.  
A friend of mine talked to me about “blogging” and told me I should start a blog.  I hated the idea, but he was kind enough to have his wife build the site for me, so I’ve been blogging a lot ever since.  It’s been relaxing to pin my thoughts down and post them.  You can read it at:


            I’ve also written a poem to help me through the many trials and troubles we’ve been through lately.  I’m including it here as well.
            As we labor outside on the house in the very hot summer weather, we keep the phone with us, and we’ve received many phone calls from people who want a pure Spanish Bible and who have learned of us via our website.  People have called us from Argentina, Guatemala, Mexico, and more.  So, we continually keep busy in the ministry trying to get the word out about which Spanish Bible is the best one.
            Please pray for us, as we work towards our goal of trying to get things in order so we can get back to focusing all of our attention on the ministry.  My Dad’s death set things in motion that ended up costing us at least six months of the ministry, and now with the physical work we have to do on houses and lands, it might take us another six months before we are all done.  We don’t understand why things like this happen, but we trust God, and are working as hard as we can to try to finish the job set before us.  At least God’s in it, and is helping us along the way.  And, while we work physically, we continue to see Him working spiritually in sending us people who are interested in truth to contact us.

            Robert and Laura Beth and Emma Lee Breaker
            1 Sam. 12:24!

Three Things
By Robert Breaker III

There are only three things sure in this life:
Death, Taxes, and Strife.
Choose only one or choose them all,
Try to fight them, and you will fall!

There are only three things in this life to know:
God, Truth, and Mortal Foe.
Learn always and discern them well,
Or follow vice and go to Hell.

There are only three things in this life to do:
Grow, Learn, and Practice too.
Use your skills and abilities,
Or slothfulness will breed disease.

There are only three things in this life to feel:
Love, Hate, and Uncertain Ill.
Practice the first and you will find,
The other two will be left behind.

There are only three things left to say:
Love God, Do Right, and Come what may!
For all is but an opportunity grand,
To be used somehow in God’s greater plan!