Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Greetings once again in the glorious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! I hope this letter finds you in good health and in the joy of the Lord.
Even though this is a May prayerletter, I must tell you about what happened the last day of April. After showing my slides in a Sunday morning service in Boaz, Alabama, a brother invited me to do visitation at an all Spanish Trailer park by his house. He had a burden for the Mexicans there, but did not know how to speak Spanish. I told him I’d be more than happy to go, so we went together, and had a wonderful time visiting. We handed out two Spanish Bibles, and many tracts. Plus, I was able to lead a guy to the Lord named Austin. He’s a 23 year old man from Mexico, and he’s here working in the United States. (Please add him to your pray list, that he may grow!)
Now back to the month of May, the Lord opened the door again to visit a Spanish Trailer Park in Beaufort, South Carolina. A Puerto Rican brother from the church there asked me to go because he didn’t speak spanish, but he had a burden for the Hispanic people. We went togther and visited about 5 trailers. At the first trailer, I preached to about 3 Mexicans for almost 10 minutes, and had one profession of faith!
At the next trailer, I had one Mexican get very excited. I told him we were telling people about Jesus Christ and asked him if he was saved. He said he was, and that he wanted a church to go to here in the United States. He didn’t speak a lick of English, but he said he had just been talking with some of the other Mexicans there in the trailer park and they were wanting to go to church also. So, I told them about the church there in Beaufort, and the brother I was with said they had a man in their church that could translate into Spanish, and that he would come and get them and take them to church if they wished. They were very happy about the idea and wanted to go! The last I heard, they have been going faithfully, and the church there in Beaufort wants to start a Spanish church!
At the last trailer we visited, we came across a Catholic man and his sons. Even though they were eating dinner, they invited us in and asked me to tell them about Jesus. After witnessing to them, He said “¿Que doctrina es?” (What doctrine is this?) I told him again that salvation is not in Mary, or in a church, but only by faith in the blood of Jesus Christ! After I pushed for a decision, he said, “Well I need to think about it and study it some more. I’m not ready right now...” I left a tract in Spanish entitled “Are Roman Catholics Christians?” And, asked him if he would to read it and prayerfully ask God to show him the truth! (Please pray for him that he and his sons would get saved!)
Also in May, I was priviledged to attend the Beale Street Blast in Memphis, Tennessee. Every May, streetpreachers from all over go to downtown Memphis for four days of streetpreaching on Beale street. This was the first year I was able to attend, and boy was it awesome. There were thousands of people on the streets. They were so close together, you could barely walk in between them. I think we had almost a hundred streetpreachers preaching the gospel, and getting out tracts. I believe they said we had 12 people saved! If you get a chance to attend next year it would be worth it!
Also back in my October 1999 prayerletter, I told how I came upon a man who knew about village in Cane, Honduras that had a church without a Pastor, and that the whole village was praying for a man to come and preach to them and teach the Bible. Well, I called down there and spoke to the people and they told me that they would love for me to come and teach and preach to them. They said there were about 2000 people in that village. And, they are wanting to have someone come and teach them the Bible. I was excited to hear that!
So, I bought my ticket, and I’ll be going to Honduras on August 1st - 20th of this year. I’ll be preaching at that church and doing visitation in that village, as well as visiting two other works in Honduras. One is a school for children and the other is an orphanage. As you know the Lord has laid the children on my heart as well as starting a church, and I’d like to see how these ministries are run, so that I’ll know how to start one if God allows. Please contine to pray for me and this trip, that God would show me if the village of Cane is where he wants me to return when I finish deputation.
Because He lives,
Robert Ray Breaker III
Missionary to Honduras