Welcome! Here you will find all of my prayer letters written ever since I started the ministry as a Missionary to Honduras, and then as I now am as a Missionary to the Spanish-Speaking People of the Americas. We hope to update this with our current prayer letter that we send out every two months.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

January - February 2007

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature
- Mark 16:15 

Praise God for all his rich and glorious blessings!  The past couple of months, I preached in Florida, New Jersey, Iowa, Oklahoma, Alaska, and South Carolina.  God’s unseen hand led us each step of the way, and through our travels God proved to us our ministry is to preach the Gospel to more than just the people of Honduras.  After much prayer, trying circumstances, the advice of other Christians, and definite scripture (Rom. 15:20-23), God has guided us to expand the ministry to all Spanish Speaking people, as we desire to serve Him faithfully. 
            Eight years ago, I answered God’s call to be a Missionary.  After graduating from Bible School, God sent me first to Honduras to learn the ministry of teaching and preaching His word to Hispanicsmostly lost Catholics.  Praise the Lord, for five years God used me to lead hundreds to Jesus Christ as their Saviour, and plant churches! 
            In Acts 1:8, Jesus said, “…ye shall receive power…and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”
            In God’s plan for my life, Honduras was my Jerusalem.  He then sent me to Samaria—through our evangelistic journeys to Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico, Belize, and Costa Rica, about which you have been reading in our prayer letters. 
Now God gave the vision to broaden our ministry to the uttermost parts of the earth—from South America through Canada, “...to preach the gospel in the regions beyond.” (2 Cor. 10:16).
            Since the southern border of the U.S. has disappeared, there are tens of millions of lost Hispanic immigrants from California to the Mississippi, from Miami to the Bronx.  Most can’t speak English.  God has placed a great burden on us to reach them with the Gospel and the right Bible before America enslaves them with perverted Bibles and numerous false religions. 
            In my ministry, the Lord sent me to the 48 continental states and Alaska.  I’ve even traveled from the Bahamas to the Panama Canal.  I’ve preached the Gospel in town squares, churches, homes, and schools.  Laura Beth and I even rode mules to remote villages high in the Honduran mountains to bring Jesus to the Indians!
            It’s clear that God’s plan in my life is to take the Gospel far and wide.  And since the uniting of Central America into one political region without borders has greatly hindered us from obtaining Laura Beth’s visa, we’ll carry the light of the Gospel to all Spanish Speaking people of the Americas—for, Biblically, a missionary is not just called to a place, but to people. 
            We greatly appreciate all your prayers and financial support for the past five years, and know God will reward you at the Judgment Seat of Christ for your participation in our new worldwide Missionary endeavor. 

Please address all letters and financial support to our new location:

    Make Checks Payable to:                    

       Robert Breaker                                 

        Phone Numbers:                             Home base in U.S. 850 626 0753     

                                                                 Cell Phone in U.S.  850 292 5042              


    Ministry Address                                                

     740 Mike Gibson Lane                    

      Milton, Florida 32583       

      We are now being sent from Iglesia Bautista Biblica de Gracia (Grace Bible Baptist Church) in Monterrey, Mexico.  Pastor Raul Reyes is a great Hispanic preacher, whose church translated and produced the 1602 TR Spanish New Testament.   They are currently finishing the Old Testament to improve the Spanish Bible to match the KJV and Masoretic Hebrew Text, and purge it of all critical text and catholic readings. 
            Between upcoming Missionary journeys we will return to our new headquarters to write and print books and tracts, report our daily journal on our website, and update our internet ministry.  We still receive many emails monthly from people all over the Americas wanting a pure Spanish Bible, and I mail them the 1602 TR.
            We look forward to your continued support as we work together for the Lord to reach lost Hispanics.  I list our ministry goals on the back of this letter.  We will send you all a monthly prayer letter and receipts for your gifts.
            May God richly bless you in this new year.  We look forward to what God will do, and covet your prayers.  Please visit our website at:

http://www.robertbreaker.com/honduras/honduras/honduras.html.  [NOTE: THIS WEBSITE IS NO LONGER IN SERVICE.  OUR NEW WEBSITE IS http://www.rrb3.com/]
            Through His Blood,
            Robert and Laurabeth Breaker

Brief Explanation of new Ministry Seal:

     In our new ministry seal above, we emphasize preaching the Blood Atonement, the Book, and the Blessed Hope.
      The red stripe signifies the precious redeeming blood of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:18,19).  The Book represents the powerful word of God (Hebrews 4:12).  And the trumpet represents our Blessed Hope — the promised Rapture of the Church (Titus 2:13, 1 Thess. 4:13-18).

Our Ministry Goals:


*  Do the work of an Evangelist (2 Tim. 4:5)
*  Preach the blessed Gospel of 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 
*  Win lost souls (Prov. 11:30, James 5:20)
*  Teach soul winning classes in Local Churches
*  Print and distribute Tracts
*  Start street preaching ministries in Local Churches


*  Educate Spanish and English people about the Spanish Bible Issue
*  Supply Hispanic Pastors, Missionaries, and Churches with the right Spanish Bible
*  Publish and distribute sound doctrinal material to Spanish-Speaking people
*  Encourage Pastors in the work of the Lord
*  Expose Apostate Practices and Teachings, and exhort Christians to return to the word of God
*  Start Spanish Bible Institutes (through DVD courses)


*  Support and encourage American Churches to start Spanish Ministries
*  Preach Revivals and Mission Conferences
*  Bring teams to the foreign field for short Mission trips
*  Do everything possible to help Spanish-Speaking Christians and Churches!

            *  Lift up and Magnify the Lord Jesus Christ!

            Greetings from the Breakers!  We appreciate your prayers and support as we continually present the Gospel and a pure Spanish Bible to Spanish Speaking people. 


            We spent most of January on the road in meetings in Florida, North Carolina, and Georgia.  God is good and gave us several new supporting churches. 

Producing DVD’s

            In North Carolina, at Bright Light Baptist Church, I taught The History of the Spanish Bible in their Bible Institute.  My wife video taped it, and we burned the 2 hour session to DVD.  I’m enclosing a copy for you in English, and I hope it’s a blessing.  You may copy and distribute it if you desire.
            Most Missionaries to Spanish Speaking people use the Bible Society-produced 1960 Spanish version.   As I’ve reported before, this translation is full of critical text readings and contains many doctrinal errors and mistakes.  Because of this, there is a movement by several Independent Baptist groups to produce and print a pure word of God in Spanish based on the Textus Receptus and King James, and distribute it to Spanish speakers.  These include the 1602 Purified New Testament of Monterrey, and the new Gomez Bible, a revision by Humberto Gomez.  I believe my ministry is not only to preach the Gospel and win souls, but also to point people to the pure word of God in Spanish and expose modernist translations in Spanish (and English).  This DVD will clearly present the History of the Spanish Bible, and help you see the need for the pure word of God in Spanish.
            I also preached against evolution in Spanish in the Spanish ministry at Bright Light Baptist Church. A DVD of this is available upon request.
Finished Product

            You’ll remember in January of 2005, Kent Hovind came to Honduras to preach against evolution. We recorded his presentation on MiniDV tapes, and mailed them to his son for processing.  The finished Bilingual English/Spanish teaching DVD’s are now available.  We received 50 copies in February and look forward to giving them to the Spanish Speaking people.   Copies are available from Creation Science Evangelism in Pensacola, Florida, at www.drdino.com.

Prayer Card

            Enclosed is our new prayer card.  Laura worked hard designing it on the computer.  More are available upon request. 


            I finally finished my latest book, entitled The History and Truth About the Spanish Bible Controversy, and we are currently printing it.  This book reveals the Catholic influence in old Spanish Bibles, the connection of modern Bible Societies with the Catholic Church, and how Protestants secretly work together with Rome to produce corrupt, critical text based Spanish Bibles.  Please email or contact me at the support address above if you would like a copy.  This information is very important because it proves the popular 1960 Spanish Bible used the critical texts and the liberal English Revised Standard Version in the act of translating, and exposes the ecumenical motive of the United Bible Societies for producing modern versions like the 1960.


                        Thank you for praying for God to heal my foot, which began hurting in Honduras more than six months ago.  I took antibiotics for a month to reduce the painful swelling so I could have surgery on February 20th.  I am slowly recuperating.


            We’ve been very busy here in the States selling things on Ebay, attending a book-keeping class in a local college, and printing tracts and booklets for the ministry.  We are also arranging our schedule.  We plan to drive to Mexico soon, where we’ll visit our sending church,  then we’ll ride a bus to Honduras to set up a Bible Institute for a native pastor.  Finally, we’ll sell our household items so we can have less dead weight as we travel throughout the Americas preaching and teaching.
            We also are planning some meetings along the southern border of the U.S. in the middle and end of 2007.  If you’d like us to visit your church in 2007 or 2008 please contact us.

            Because He Shed His precious blood for us,
            Robert and Laurabeth Breaker