Welcome! Here you will find all of my prayer letters written ever since I started the ministry as a Missionary to Honduras, and then as I now am as a Missionary to the Spanish-Speaking People of the Americas. We hope to update this with our current prayer letter that we send out every two months.

Monday, April 6, 2015

January - February 2015

Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.  (James 5:8 )

    Greetings once again from the Breakers!

    Time is flying by in these last days, and every day more things are happening that point to the soon return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  I don’t know about you, but I’m becoming very excited, thinking this could be the year!  In the mean time, we’re keeping busy ministering, preaching, teaching, passing out tracts, witnessing, and more.


    As you know, we are taking care of my grandmother (who, by the way, just turned 94 in Februrary), and this has really taught me what a Minister really is, or better stated what it means to “minister” to others.   
    Because she draws so much of our attention, we’re unable to travel as much as we once did.  So, through the advice of other godly men, I’ve started www.thecloudchurch.org back in September of last year, a website in both English and Spanish.  I’ve been faithful since then posting weekly Bible sermons in both languages, focusing on reaching the lost, but also designed to edify believers in Christ. 
    God is really blessing this endeavor, and we are receiving many positive responses from viewers who tell us they are so thankful for a place to get the truth, for so often they can’t find it anymore, as many churches are turning from Paul and his teachings (the heart of New Testament doctrine for us today), and focusing on other places in the Bible to preach many modern-day false doctrines.
    We’ve already heard from believers in Germany, Mexico, and Chile, as well as from the states of Texas, New York, Florida, and others.  This has been a real blessing, and I hope someday to start a free online Bible Institute.  (I could use some help on this if anyone is interested in helping).
    Also, this website is proving to be a great way to get the word out about our ministry.  As you probably know, our support is very low because of this horrible economy.  But God seems to be supplying our need as our online ministry appears to be taking the place of deputation, for viewers are starting to send us offerings for the furtherance of the ministry.  
    I’m starting to think that this is a great way for all missionaries to raise support for their ministries as well! 


    I’ve been passing out lots of tracts in both English and Spanish these past two months.  As always, I like to strike up conversations with people, and I’m finding that even lost people today think we are in the last days.  They see what’s happening in America (like Obama taking over the internet, and attempting to ban bullets, and all that in just one day!), and they are truly scared about the future of our country (and rightly so, as a Muslim has taken over the American Government and is acting as a dictator!).  They also see what’s happening in the Middle East (like the horrible ISIS beheadings, the senseless burnings of Christians, the threat of a nuclear Iran, and even the recent news of the prime minister of Israel calling for all Jews world-wide to return to Israel), and they are beginning to think the Bible was right about the prophecy of the last days written in Daniel and Revelation.  (Truly we are seeing every thing falling into place just like Jesus said it would.)  Sadly, with all that, I’m finding they are still reluctant to believe.     
    So many today still don’t see the simplicity of the Gospel.  It’s like their eyes are blinded.  Like many lost religious people, they think they must do works for God to accept them (they think they have to earn it), and they don’t see Christ’s free gift of salvation by Grace.  That’s why I’ve been preaching a lot lately about the difference between the law and grace.  (I’m also including here a brief comparison of the two). 
    One man I spoke with in February claimed to be a Christian, and he told me something I thought was interesting.  He said the church today was in such apostasy because most believers don’t realize that there are two types of Christians: “Senders and Spenders.”  “The first,” he said, “are Church members who even though they aren’t in the ministry, can certainly help those who are by giving to the cause of Christ.”  He then said, “The second are those who receive that support to take the Gospel to the lost, dying world.”   I thought that was well put.  He finished, by saying, “That’s why cults like ISIS are growing in the world.  There are fewer Christian Senders, thus fewer Christians Spenders.”  Well said.


    We are not only ministering face to face, online, and here at the house with family, but we are also preparing for the hard times ahead should the Lord’s coming be farther off than we thought.  It doesn’t take a genius to see that bad times are coming to this world, especially to the good old United States of America.  Even the lost can feel it!  It’s like a black cloud of gloom hovering over the earth.  And everyone knows something bad is about to take place.
    Glenn Beck has recently stated that he thinks that WWIII has already begun.  This can be debated, but certainly it cannot be denied that the Arab world is stirred up like a hornet’s nest, and Muslims are beheading people all over the world.  We also are seeing armed conflict in the Ukraine, Iran, Syria, Iraq, and other places across the world, as the spark of war is being lit before our very eyes.   Not only have governments fallen, but so have the economies of places like Greece and Spain, causing much civil unrest.  I read somewhere the other day that America’s national debt is now well over 18 trillion dollars.  (There is not that much money in the entire world!)  This has led many to speculate that a new American Civil War is not far off of the horizon.  Are you prepared?
    The thing that bothers me is how blind most Americans really are to what has happened in America.  For those who don’t know, our government has been taken over by a Communist, Socialist Dictator.  This has happened many times in history, (Lenin, Hitler, Philpot, etc.), and it always ends up badly.  Communists never give up power.  And, once they get in, they always ultimately kill those who don’t believe like they do.  So it’s just a matter of time before America sees another “false flag” and “martial law” is implemented, and American citizens are detained, and possibly even executed.  (I’ve even read about how the American government already has over 30,00 guillotines in America for the purpose of eliminating political dissidents).  I know that sounds all doom and gloom, but even the prophets of the Old Testament had to carry messages like that to the people of God.  (Most of them were stoned for it!)      
    At any rate, we can no longer afford to pretend that evil is not upon us, nor that it most likely won’t affect us. One of the greatest types of the Church in the Bible is the apostle John, (he was the disciple Christ loved, the one who the anti-christ was revealed to, said to be the one who tarried till Christ came, etc.)  When we last see John, before he is called up to a door in heaven in chapter four of Revelation (a type of the Rapture), he’s not in a condo in Malibu eating bon-bons and sipping mint juleps.  Rather, he is in a concentration camp, isolated on the island of Patmos (a Roman prison), all alone.  Because of this, many Christians today are asking if that doesn’t mean we aren’t going to pass through some great persecution before the Rapture.  I hope not.  I’m still looking up, but I’m not ruling out the possibility.  That’s why it’s important to prepare.  I suggest (and take it or leave it) that you store up food, water, ... bibles, etc.  Worse case scenario, you are not laying it up for yourself, but for someone in the tribulation after the rapture, who will be able to use it, and it might even help him not have to take the mark of the beast in the tribulation!  That is, you just might be helping a tribulation saint by leaving some things behind for him! 
    I don’t know what the near future holds, but I know one thing, I’m saved, and I know it!  And, because of that, I believe we can face what ever may come.  However, I also know that I have a duty to my family to prepare for what’s coming, so I can protect them if the Lord should tarry.  So do you.  I’ve talked to so many Christians lately who say, “You don’t have to worry about anything, just trust God.  Everything will be just fine!”  That sounds good, doesn’t it?  But I also know that’s exactly what they told the Jews in WWII, and look what happened to them! 
    So, we’ve been preaching, praying and preparing for what might come.  We ask you to do the same.  Now is the time to serve God like never before.  Time is short.  Either the rapture is just around the corner, or bad times are coming, in which me might have to die for what we believe.  What ever may come, let’s put Christ first!  

    Thanks for all your prayers and support.   We love you all!

    Even so come, Lord Jesus!

    Robert Breaker and Family
    1 Sam. 12:24!