Dear Brethren,
The month of February went by so fast that it's hard to believe that it's gone. Most of it was spent on the phone calling Pastors and setting up meetings, as well as fixing old cars and working hard. But, it brought some blessings. On the night of February 5th, I was able to lead two boys to the Lord named Josh and Andrew during visitation. (Please remember them in your prayers.)
Also, I received news that a small church in Newburn, Tennessee voted to take me on for support. They said they wanted to grow, and they knew that supporting a missionary would help. That's my first supporting church, and I praise God!
The end of February and the beginning of March, I was in Nogales, Mexico, helping several new Churches. In the Church in the colony of Rosarita, we had 5 adult men saved the first Sunday evening that I preached. That was a blessing because the Pastor said that it's really hard to get grown men to come down to the altar.
That Sunday morning after showing my slides, a young boy named Irvina Miguel came up and asked the preacher how to get saved, because he didn't want to be lost like the girl in my last slide. So, he led him to the Lord. We also preached in the jails, and saw six men saved. Another man accepted Christ during the streetpreaching in the park downtown. Please remember these in your prayers.
We also passed out a lot of tracts in Nogales as well as the surrounding area. We had an open door to distribute many John and Romans booklets in Spanish. Whether you know it or not, most of the vegetables that you buy at the local supermarket are grown in Mexico, and brought through Nogales. The huge 18 wheelers that carry them into the United States are lined up for two or more miles waiting to get through the border. We drove by the big rigs, and passed out Chick tracts as well as John and Romans through an open van window to the truckers. We must have given out two or three hundred of them a day. The drivers had time to read them as they waited over two hours to cross the border.
Some of the boys of the Church play soccer every Saturday in the park. Afterwards they invite their opponents to church, but seldom do they come. However, the last Sunday that I was there, two of them came and one of them got saved. His name was Carlos. (Please remember him in prayer also).
God is doing a lot in Mexico. I had a good time there and wished I could have stayed. Please continue praying for those who were saved, and also for me, as I continue on in deputation.
"The Lord is good! ...He leadeth me in the pathes of righteousness for his name's sake." (Psalm 23:3)
Thanks to everyone for their prayers and support.
¡Dios te bendiga ricamente! (Spanish for: The Lord bless you richly!)