Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
During the month of July, I celebrated two birth days: my first birth on July 13th, and my spiritual birth on July 29th (which of course is the most important one). I turned 25 years old physically and 7 years old spiriutally. God has been good to me this year, and I'm thankful for what he's doing for me and with me as I'm working to get to the field of Honduras.
Everyday it seems like I meet someone from Hondruas, or someone going there. God continues to keep Honduras fresh on my mind. In early July, God brought Randy Pelfry and his wife across my path. They are leaving to go to Honduras in September as Missionaries. They asked me over to their house one Saturday night to show my slides. We had a great time talking about the Lord and Honduras. Once I get to the field, they want me to come and visit and preach for them at their Church.
Then, the next day I ran into a man named Abel Bonilla. He's a Missionary to Honduras already (being a native of Costa Rica), and he's here in the states on deputation. He has a school for children down in Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras. And, he said that he could help me whenever I get there to obtain my Visa and residence, as well as helping to ship some things in. He also said that he would show me how to set up a school for kids, which is something that God's been laying on my heart. So, there are two open doors waiting for me in Honduras.
In August, the Lord gave me a lot of opportunites to preach. The 21st I was the guest speaker at Pea Ridge in Pace, Florida. Every 3rd Saturday they meet and have a guest preacher. Then, they have a pot luck dinner, and afterwards the men throw their names into a hat, and if tey get picked, they have 15 minutes to preach a message. I throughly enjoyed the food and the fellowhip and the good preaching.
During the second week in August, I was asked to preach at Horizons Convalescent Home to a group of old people. I preached a message to them about "Death." Some would say that was a bit tactless, preaching about death to old folks. But, they had a good time. A lot of them got excited about going home to heaven and seeing the Lord. I wish all Christians had the desire to see the Lord as much as they did.
While I was preaching, I quoted Romans 6:23: "The wages of sin is death..." I told them that the reason we die is because of our sin. About that time an old lady started yelling, "But, I'm not a sinner!" I didn't know what to do, so I kept on preaching, but she wouldn't quit. So, I quoted 1 John 1:8 and 10 and moved on. After a while she kept quiet. Sometimes those old folks just act like kids.
Speaking of kids, one Saturday in August, I was invited to a young meeting in Crossville, Alabama, and I got to see a young teenage boy trust Christ as his Saviour. His first words were, "That was easy!" He though you had to do something to get saved like be baptized, or join the Church, etc. Thank God salvation is so simple! Then he said, "My brothers are lost, how can we get them saved?" The preacher said, "That's a pretty good indication that he got saved, because he's worrying about someone else going to Hell."
It was a real blessing to see a young person saved, and interested in the salvation of his family. His name is Nick. Please pray for his spiritual growth, and the salvation of his family.
One thing that I enjoy is personal work. Talking face to face with a person, and trying to lead them to Christ. But, the other day while on visitation, I learned of a new Church that is spreading all over America today. While witnessing, people will usually tell you they go to the Episcopalian or the Prestbyterian or Catholic Church. While some will pridefully say, "I'm Mormon or Jehovah's Witness." But, the other day I asked an old man where he attended Church, to the which he quickly replied, "None of your business!" So there you have it, a new Church growing here in America. I don't know if it's a Methodist or Presbyterian or Baptist, but more and more people seem to be attending.
Most of July and August was spent on the telephone trying to set up meetings. The telephone is a Missionary's friend. And, we sure spend countless hours on it calling Pastors. Most Pastors ask you question like what you believe about the King James Bible, or what's your testimony, or what Church are you from. That's understandable, they have a right to know before they let you into their Church. But, the other day a Pastor asked me a question I'd never been asked before. He said, "Which came first, Jesus or the King James Bible?" I thought for a second, and then said, "Well, Jesus of course." He then began to tell me that all these people that take a stand for the King James Bible are wrong, and that they shouldn't make such a big issue of it, but instead should all come together with Christ as our common denominator. He just kept going on and on, and didn't let me get a word in edgewise. then, he told me that the King James had mistakes and errors in it and that there was no perfect Bible translation.
After he was done talking, God brought to my rememberance this verse: "I will worship toward they holy temple, and praise thy name for they lovingkindness and for they truth: FOR THOU HAST MAGNIFIED THY WORD ABOVE ALL THY NAME." (Psalm 138:2)
That's how important God's word is. God said he magnified it above his name. What's his name? It's JESUS! The Bible says that at the name of Jesus every knew shall bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord. And, the Bible is more important than that. Wow! Praise God for that King James Bible! Isaiah 66:5 sayes we ought to tremble at his word. Have you trembled lately?
Heads bowed and eyes closed...
Finally, I'll close with this story. When I'm on deputation, one of my favorite places to eat is at Mexican Resturants. It helps me to practice my Spanish, because most of the employees are Hispanic. Some of them don't speak any English. So, when I got there I speak Spanish to them, and they are always very courteous. And, they treat me a little bit nicer because I put for the effort to speak in their language.
At one Mexican resturant in Florida, I was talking to them in Spanish and the boss of the resturant came out and began making conversation. He didn't speak a lick of English. He asked me where I was from and what I did for a living. I told him I was a Missionary to Honduras and he suddenly became very exited. I asked him if he was saved and he told me he was. Then, he asked me if I had anymore trancts in Spanish, because he wanted to give them out to the rest of the employees. So, I gave him a bunch of Spanish tracts and a couple of Spanish Bibles. He was so happy, that he gave me my meal for free, and gave me an offering to help me on my way! I could hardly believe it. God continues to bless me and help me as I serve Him!
Thank you all for your prayers and support.
Because of Him,
Bro. Robert R. Breaker III
Missionary to Honduras