Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Greetings once again in the name of our Glorious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! I hope this letter finds all of you “looking for that blessed hope” in this new year that the Lord has given us. As well as occupying till he comes. We are the much more closer to the coming of our Great God and King Jesus Christ. And, the sooner he comes the better! But, until he does what a privelege and an honor it is to be able to tell others about him and what he’s done for us on that old rugged cross!
Much has happened here in Honduras the last two months that I must tell you about. God has shown me many things, as well as made me become even more dependent upon him. Because of circumstances here, I’ve been seeking his will about where to go in this country with the gospel, and thank God, he has shown me some things from his word (the only comfort I’ve got) that will help me in the ministry here. Let me explain.
In my December 2001 prayerletter, I said that I’d keep on preaching in Colomoncagua until the Lord showed me otherwise. Well I believe he has. In January I met with the man who asked me to come to that village back in August of 2000. His name was Jose Oscar Vijil Ramos. I visited him first thing upon my arrival here in August of last year, but he told me to wait until after the elections to talk with him as he was running for Mayor of the village and was very busy with “Politics.” So, I did the only thing I knew to do until then, which was preach on the streets there, visit house to house, and pass out tracts, as I tried to keep my 20/20 vision (Acts 20:20).
After the elections I drove to his house on the long, winding, mountainous, dirt roads to talk with him and find out what he wanted to do. There he told me that he had lost the election by only 12 votes. And, after talking with him some more, he asked me to start a church in his house. I was a bit leary, as he was attending his brothers Pentecostal church, but I agreed to return the next week to hold services if he was serious. Well, upon my arrival the next week, I found that he was not serious in the least. And, he spent the next hour or so begging me for money, and help to go to the United States in order to work and make money. I soon discerned that his God was mammon ($mullah$) rather than Jesus Christ. So, unfortunately, that proved to be an unopen door, as he said starting a church in his home would be “too much responsibility” for him.
Also, several other factors as well made me wonder if God wanted me to continue in that village. One was that the young men I have been teaching the Bible to there have lost interest. And, the one who was the most interested (named Raphael) told me one evening that, though he does enjoy learning the Bible, he plans on continuing to go to his “Misionera” (Pentecostal) church always. So, what hope I had of starting a work there began to crumble before my eyes.
Not knowing what else to do, I turned to God’s word for guidance. And after much prayer and Bible reading, The Lord gave me the following verse in Luke 4:43: “And he said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent.”
I also began reading the book of Acts in my daily Bible reading and found that when Paul received his Macedonian Call (what I thought Jose Oscar Vijil Ramos’ invitation was), after going there, he had but a few converts, and ended up afterwards going to another area. So, after praying and fasting, I believe God has shown me that it’s his will that I start taking the gospel to the regions beyond as well (2 Cor. 10:16).
I still plan on continuing to visit Colomoncagua whenever I can, as Paul passed through Macedonia again several times (Acts 19:21, 20:1, 3). But I also plan on visiting the surrounding towns as well to take the light of the glorious gospel to them also. The people of Colomoncagua might have rejected the gospel, but there are plenty more in Honduras that need to hear it. Plus, where I live in La Esperanza, there is no good Bible Believing work. So I am praying about starting a church in this area if the Lord allows.
After visiting my neigbors here, several have said that they would like to come to the services if a church is started. So, we will see if that door opens up. Please keep this in your prayers.
In February, I journeyed to Tegucigalpa to teach Bible to young Nelson Carrales (He is the one I lead to the Lord back in November). While there, he asked me to go to the department (or state) of Olancho here in Honduras where his parents live to preach to them, and give them the gospel of Jesus Christ. He told me that the reason was that he “didn’t want to see them go to Hell!” So, he asked me if I would accompany him there for a week, and witness to them, and I gladly accepted.
On February 15th, Nelson, his family, and I left Tegucigalpa and drove to Olancho (the most dangerous part of Honduras). On the way we stopped in the town of Juticalpa, and I preached on the street corner there in the central park area. This was the first time that Nelson had seen streetpreaching, and he ate it up! From Juticalpa we travelled to Guanko (the town where Nelson grew up), and for the next week I was able to get out several hundred tracts, preach 4 different times in three different villages, and along with witnessing to Nelson’s family, we had the privilege of personally passing out over 50 Bibles.
Not only did we have a great time spiritually, but physically as well as we were able to go fishing, hunting for iguanas (which we didn’t get any), horseback riding, and hiking. What a wonderful opportunity it was, and I thank God for it. When we left, three different families gave me several bags full of red beans (which they had grown), and told me they would be quite angry if I didn’t return to preach to them again. So, hopefully I’ll be able to do so.
Please remember the following people in your prayers who trusted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour this last month through my personal witnessing: Carlos Alvarado, 33, and a young 15 year old boy named Israel.
Thanks again for your prayers and support! And remember that if you are ever in Honduras, you have a place to stay!
Because He shed His precious blood for a sinner like me,
Robert Ray Breaker III
Your Missionary to Honduras