They which builded on the wall, and they that bare burdens, with those that laded, every one with one of his hands wrought in the work... (Neh. 4:17)
Greetings once again from the Breakers,
September and October have gone by so quickly, that it’s hard to believe they have already passed. Is it time to write another prayer letter again? Yes it is. So here goes, as there is much news to report.
Worshipping God!
Many of you have been praying for our house in Alabama to sell. It has been very hard on us to own two houses, as bills for each place are hard to keep up with at times. But thankfully, we’ve been blessed to finally sell our Alabama house in October. We didn’t make any money on the place, and took a great loss, but God knows our struggles, and we are thankful we don’t have to worry about paying the bills on that place anymore!
We also had to move and that took some time. We then had to figure out what to do with our printing equipment. You’ll remember a few years back we had an organization donate it to us. We have never had a chance to use it, as it required 330 electric instead of 220, and our two laser printers have been more than enough for our printing needs, so we prayed about what to do with the equipment, and who to give it to. God came through and a Missionary friend picked it up and is going to take it to a church in Missiouri who wants to use it in printing tracts. So we praise God that it will be used for his honor and glory!
Working Hard
With the sale of our Alabama house, we have turned our attention to fixing up our Florida house, with the hopes of selling it someday. We have done a lot of work on the place since the two years after my father died, and we’re getting close to finally getting done. However, we have had our share of set backs. A tropical storm named Lee did a number on our bulkhead, and washed part of it away. Thus, I’ve had to spend most of the month of October in back-breaking labor, working to fix it. And, wouldn’t you know, we had a freak storm which came and tore out about 20 feet of it after I finished. But during the process, God showed me an interesting lesson from that project, and I am going to write about that at the end of this prayer letter.
Witnessing Day after Day
The Apostle Paul was a tentmaker, and we find him often toiling at that occupation while witnessing to his customers and fellow workers. He didn’t just go out and try to reach the lost, rather he took advantage of every opportunity in reaching those that also came to him while he worked. Thus, while having to fix my bulkhead, I found that I too had quite a few opportunities to witness to people who came across my path as I worked. One man was a Jehovah Witness, and I had a great chance to witness to him. I also had a fun time working with a man and teaching him about Dispensations, Christ’s Blood Atonement, and more.
Being a missionary is much more than just GOING and preaching to people. It’s taking every opportunity to witness to those around you, especially when they COME to you! I’ve tried to explain this in previous prayer letters: being a Missionary isn’t determined by where you go, but by who you are. If you witness only because you are paid to do so in a foreign land, and yet you don’t witness while at home, you are not really a Missionary at all. Rather, you are a hireling.
Today there is much emphasis on GO and PREACH, but such emphasis has led to a generation of Christians who ONLY PREACH when they GO, but never preach here at home. I believe we should preach where ever we are, when ever we get the opportunity, and to whomsoever comes across our paths. And I thank God for so many opportunities to witness these last few months.
I often feel so overwhelmed with so much to do here. I’ve reported several prayer letters ago that we have many responsibilities here we have to get done before we can get back to traveling and preaching like before. But what a blessing that even though I’ve been busy working towards that goal, God has given me many chances to witness and pass out tracts during this time.
Watching Others
The Bible says that those who “compare themselves” with others are “not wise” (2 Cor. 10:12) So I’ve never tried to compare myself to other Christians, Pastors, Evangelists, Missionaries, etc. However, it’s very hard not to watch them and what they are doing. And, as I’ve reported many times, I’m seeing them often headed in the wrong direction, falling oftentimes into apostasy, sexual sins, and false doctrine. This saddens me greatly, and discourages me a lot. But I still press on, focusing on what God’s doing, not on what they are doing.
On the subject of the Spanish Bible, I’m continually seeing what it appears others do not. You see, when you are on the outside looking in, you see things more clearly than when you are on the inside, getting caught up with all the clap trap of the political system, in which so many today are completely enthralled.
With that stated, I constantly get emails from SPANISH-SPEAKERS who tell me they are so thankful for the information I’m getting out about the Spanish Bible. And almost all of them tell me that in their estimation the best Spanish Bible is our Valera 1602 Purified. Now, contrast this with the modern push in the IFB movement with many popular ENGLISH-SPEAKERING preachers pushing the modern Gomez Spanish Bible. But since it’s all about Spanish and for the Spanish-speakers, shouldn’t we listen to them and what they are saying?
I hear so often from Spanish-speakers who have awakened to the fact that their Spanish Bibles (the 1960, the 1909, the 1865) are corrupt. They are diligently seeking a better translation, but there are only two they can turn to: The Valera 1602 Purified and the modern Gomez. Care to guess which one they all are telling me they are leaning towards? Why the 1602 Purified of course. The reason is because it is much better and closer to the KJV. It is also OLD CASTELLAN SPANISH, and not modern Spanish like the 1960 and the Gomez (which relied heavily on the wordage of the 1960). Further, they are in favor of using SEÑOR or Lord in Spanish, like the 1602 P does, rather than JEHOVA. And finally, they reject the occultic papist word VERBO for the older protestant word PALABRA.
With this in mind, I thought I’d just give a few words from one of the many native latino Spanish-Speakers who contact me about this subject...
“I had a corrupt text (in the 1960). Your information really showed me the problems and the right version to turn to! I’m so happy you have this material out there! My faith was in man, and I trusted in what they told me. I did not study out the truth for myself. Thank God for your website that gave me the truth and pointed me to the right Spanish Bible! I went to an Independent Baptist Bible College, but they never told me the truth about or the history of the Spanish Bible. Thank you so much for doing so! I have read all the Spanish Bibles verse by verse, and I believe the Valera 1602 Purified to be the best. It appears to me the Gomez is made by and pushed by Gringoes, while the Purified is the work of native Spanish-Speakers, and more received by Hispanos.”
You can’t argue with a NATIVE SPANISH-SPEAKER giving such a testimony!
Worrying Often
I’ve been talking with other Missionaries and many of them have been telling me the same thing. It’s getting tough to receive financial support as the economy worsens in the United States. I feel their pain, as our support level is dropping every month. Yet we know of no other course of action but to continue serving the Lord, and doing what we know is right, hoping and praying that things will turn around. Until they do, we will do the best we can to serve God with the little amount of support we do receive, and we wish to let you know that we greatly appreciate your sacrifice in giving to the work of the Lord.
Writing Books
Over the years, I’ve written over 17 books, and printed these myself and often given them out free of charge to as many people as will take them and read them. I believe they are important, dealing with such doctrines as Salvation, the Blood Atonement, the History of the Spanish Bible, and more. But now with the economy being so bad, I’ve submitted one of my books to a large “Christian” printing press, and it is due out in December. The title of the book is: “What THE BIBLE Says about Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage.” And, this company is supposed to market my work to over 70,000 Christian Bookstores world-wide, and I’m supposed to get royalties on copies that are sold. Because of the low support we receive, I’m hoping God will use this book to help people, and that we might be able to use the money made on this book to help supplement our ministry. Please pray for this endeavour. We have already given the book out to many Spanish-speakers, and they all claim that it has helped them in their marriage relationships and has opened their eyes to the spiritual type of Christ and the Church. If you are interested in this book in English, you can obtain a pre-copy at my website bookstore. (Go to
I remember years ago that I was once called a “Bad Missionary” for writing books. (This from guys who have written and profited off of books that they have written, many of which contained their own opinions rather than sound Bible doctrine.) But I truly believe that we need more good sound Bible literature that points people to the word of God and the truths of the scriptures. As God allows, I’ll try to submit more books to this company (it’s called Xulon Press) and I pray we might be able to reach more people with the truth.
Waiting Patiently
As most of you know, Laura is nine months pregnant as I write this, and we are awaiting a new baby. We don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl, and are looking forward to being surprised. We’ll let you know in our next prayer letter what it is, and hopefully include a picture. But until then, please pray for us, as it appears the baby will be late. Sometimes waiting is sooooooooo agonizing. Why can’t it just come already? I guess we’ll just have to wait on the Lord’s timing.
Wishing Daily
I really believe the time is short for the soon appearing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I wish for it everyday. Still He has not come yet. So we continue looking upward. Until then, we hope to be found faithful in witnessing, working, and watching.
Thanks again for all your prayers and support. We covet your prayers, and know you do the same.
Because He shed His oh so precious blood for us,
Robert, Laura, and Emma Breaker
1 Sam. 12:24!
While working on fixing our bulkhead, I learned some valuable spiritual lessons. God showed me some things that I believe are noteworthy to share. I hope they might be a blessing to you.
A bulkhead is nothing more than a wall that is set up to keep water from washing away your property. If we take the water as a type of the world then we see an interesting symbolism, for often there are storms in which the waves of the world crash upon us, seeking to bring us down and destroy us. But the stronger the wall, the less chance of collapsing and breaking down.
Now, to build a bulkhead, three things are needed: 1. The Wall, 2. Dead Men, and 3. Dirt.
In building a bulkhead, the wall is important in separating the soil from the sea. The material used for this is either wood, or vinyl sheets, and the longer they are, the better they will hold. It is recommened to use either 10 or 12 foot pieces, as the deeper they go, the harder they are to move. My bulkhead, however, was initially built of vinyl sheets only 8 feet long. Because of this, they did not hold well, and my wall fell out towards the sea as the waves seeped over and pulled it down, taking away much dirt and washing it out to sea. For this reason, I had to strengthen my bulkhead.
To strengthen the wall, every so many feet the law says a man should have a dead man to help hold up the wall. It is nothing more than a post sunk into the ground about 12 feet inland, in which a piece of “allthread” or thick gauge threaded wire (either galvanized or stainless steel) is connected to a buried post and the wall. The post is put deep into the ground to keep it from moving and on the post is nailed a board horizontally, making it look like a “cross,” or like a man with his arms outstreched. Hence, the name, “Dead man.” This board, once it is covered with dirt holds tightly in the sand, almost like an anchor, and if built correctly, it can hold tightly even against the most brutal storms, tempests, and hurricanes.
Looking at this spiritually, we see an amazing picture, as Christians need a wall of separation from sin and the world. We further need a dead man in our lives, and that man is our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who spread his arms out on that old wooden cross and died for our sins. (Thankfully he rose again!) Once we trust him as our Saviour, he is the anchor of our souls, and we remain steadfast in him, trusting him to keep us firm, centered, and unmoveable during the worst tempests in our Christian lives.
We as Christians also need to build walls or bulkheads in our daily lives and Christian walk. We need to separate ourselves from the world (the water), and the strength of our walls are determined by how strong our faith is in the “dead man.” If our allthread (faith) is weak, it will break and the wall will fall. If it is strong, it will hold steadfastly and the wall will deflect the waves.
On bulkheads, it is recommended to use 1/2 inch or 5/8 inch allthread. But on my bulkhead, I used 1 inch galvanized steel. It was so big, and bulky, but it was strong! The stronger the allthread, the stronger the wall! It is the same with our faith. The stronger our faith, the stronger our wall!
The other thing that makes the wall strong is the depth of the dead man. The deeper the dead man, the more he will hold. Thus, the stronger the allthread and the deeper the dead man post, the better the wall will hold and keep the water from washing it away.
What a beautiful picture this is of our Christian life. If our faith (our allthread) is strong, and our dead man (our Saviour) is deeply planted in our hearts, the less chance we’ll have of being brought down by the storms of this world and falling into temptation, worldliness, and sin!
How deep is your dead man? How strong is your allthread? How firmly planted is your wall?