Welcome! Here you will find all of my prayer letters written ever since I started the ministry as a Missionary to Honduras, and then as I now am as a Missionary to the Spanish-Speaking People of the Americas. We hope to update this with our current prayer letter that we send out every two months.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

May - June 2012

For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries.
(1 Cor. 16:9)
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Years ago my Dad told me something that I didn’t necessarily agree with at the time. (Being a good Independent Baptist who was taught never to question anything, I just followed traditional teachings). But my Dad said something that really made me think, when he dogmatically told me, “God doesn’t do missions like the Catholics do, in which they send ONE man to ONE place for the rest of his life to reach only a select few and then he lords over them for the rest of their lives. Rather, God wants one man to reach as many people as possible as often as he can in any means he can, wherever he goes.” He then showed me the Apostle Paul as an example, questioning, “Where was he a Missionary too?” I could not answer, for Paul wasn’t a Missionary to only one place. He was a Missionary everywhere he went, and he went a lot of places! And, because of this, he turned the entire world upside down.
I now agree with my Dad. A missionary isn’t just to one place but rather to people. And, in our day and age of “globalism” and the passing of knowledge through many international boundaries and borders through the internet, it’s now possible to reach more people in a much quicker way than just traveling to them (something that’s usually very expensive). Now, you can reach others without ever leaving home. You can be a missionary in many countries and many cultures and languages without actually going there. Rather you can get the Gospel and the truth to them through more cost effective mediums, like the internet, the printed page, radio, audio tapes, Digital video, and more.
Most of you know the current situation we are in and how we are now stationary and unable to travel like before. But this hasn’t hindered our ministry as much as you’d think. Rather, it’s opened up many doors and ways to reach even more people than we did before, and we are seeing God work in not only one country, but many different ones. I constantly get letters, emails, and phone calls all the time from such exotic locations as Chile, Mexico, Honduras, Argentina, Guatemala, Germany, Spain, England, and more. People all over the world are looking for the truth, but they don’t seem to find it until they look online. And that’s where they often tell me they found my website.
But with the countless people who are looking for the truth, we also find our “adversaries” who are against it and us. And we find we have to battle them as well as we try to take the Gospel to the lost and dying world.
In this prayer letter, I’ll give just a brief sample of what God’s doing with us, as we continue to serve him.
I’ve been so busy in June and July it’s hard to know where to begin. I’m continually getting inquires from people wanting more information about the Spanish Bible, the Blood-stained Gospel, and the importance of living a Spirit-filled life. I’m also busy working on translating articles, books, sound doctrinal material, and more from English to Spanish, in order to reach more in both English and Spanish. And, I’ve been busy updating my website. We are getting a lot more feedback from it and this is very encouraging!
In May I got a phone call from a Hispanic person who was a Seventh Day Adventist. We talked for several hours in Spanish, and it became immediately apparent that he wasn’t saved. He thought salvation was by faith and works, and he believed that unless someone continued to work for it, he could lose it. He, like so many people I’ve met over the years, had no idea how to “rightly divide” the word of truth. This made me think about the importance of making more videos in both English and Spanish to help people see the many different “dispensations” in the scriptures and how we are now in the age of the Church, an age of Grace, where salvation is by faith alone in the FINISHED WORK (i.e. the shed blood) of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Please pray that God would open the door to be able to make some videos which would help people like this man see the light. Also, please pray for this man’s salvation. It’s so sad to see people lost and confused with a false gospel.
In May, I also got a phone call from a man who wants me to teach him Spanish. And not just any Spanish, but old Biblical Spanish from the Protestant Reformation. He’ll pay me to teach him, as he really wants to learn about the old Spanish Bibles and be able to read them. So we will have classes once or twice a week via Skype. Thank God for Skype!
There’s a poor Pastor in a desert border town of Honduras named Florentino Aguilar, who calls me from time to time. Usually he calls asking for money. But lately he’s been calling asking Bible questions. I’ve preached for him on several occasions, (he’s the pastor I preached for when I was stung by a scorpion and my tongue later went numb for a whole day). The latest questions he’s had are quite interesting. I answered them all with scripture, and he was very thankful for the references. It’s great to be able to still teach the Bible, even though I’m not physically in the same location as the Pastor, nor even in the same country. Thank God for telephones!
Much of our support goes for postage, especially for sending out Spanish Bibles all over Latin America. We are also busy printing up tracts and doctrinal booklets and distributing them far and wide. Thank God for the printed page!
In June, I also was contacted and asked to finish the Kent Hovind slides for his Children’s video. You’ll remember in Honduras several years ago we invited him to come and preach while we taped him in both English and Spanish. And although we translated some of his slides into Spanish, we never finished. Well, now they want to get his Children’s video out in Spanish and I’ve been contacted to finish the translation work on the slides for that. It took me a while, but they are now done and in July, I go to their office in Pensacola, and turn them in. We hope to have this video done and available soon. There are many Spanish-speakers in countries world-wide already asking for it. Thank God for Digital Video!
I also got a phone call from a family in California in June who wanted me to help them find someone to go and visit their dying Hispanic family member in the hospital. I was able to eventually get them in touch with someone. They said, “We know you have the right Spanish Bible and the right Gospel, and we want both of those things when dealing with our loved one!” It was great they thought of me! Here I am in Florida, but I was able to get them in contact with someone in California. My how God works!
In closing, I still sometimes struggle with being discouraged. I’ll be honest, I greatly miss being able to travel so much. And, sometimes I feel so useless and that God is finished with me because I’m not always going somewhere new. But then comes time to write a prayer letter, and I look back on what God’s done with me in the situation I’m in here, and it’s hard not to get excited seeing that God is still using me! So I’ll continue on steadfast trusting him to open more doors.
Because Jesus shed His oh so precious blood for a sinner like me,
Robert Breaker
1 Sam. 12:24!
Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip. (Hebrews 2:1)
The above verse is so powerful and pertinent for us today. We should indeed give even more earnest heed to the truth, and be careful not to let it slip!
Since I’ve been a Christian things have changed so much. (Maybe it’s the Obama doctrine of “hope and change”). But one thing is for sure, Christianity is so different from what it used to be. I’ve stated it before that when I left and went to Honduras I knew who I was working with and what they believed. But when I came back, I felt like I was in an episode of the Twilight Zone, for many of the same men I once knew and preached for had changed their beliefs and compromised. This bothered me so much. Why would they change what they used to preach, especially when what they used to preach was sound Bible doctrine?
Seeing so much change in Fundamentalist circles, I’ve found I had to make a choice, either: 1) change myself in order to get along with it, or 2) preach against the lies, deception, and abuse in it, and be persecuted by them for doing so. That’s been my struggle. Finally, I chose to do the latter, and I’ve paid for it ever since. Loss of support, loss of friends, loss of fellowship, etc. In other words: “MANY ADVERSARIES!” But my conscience tells me I did the right thing!
But still there are some who don’t understand what I’m talking about. There are Christians who don’t see what I do. I don’t know if it’s cause they are in their own little world with their own little group and that’s why they don’t see what’s happening. But the truth is, there is much blatant deception and false doctrine in today’s Churches, especially when it comes to the three most important Christian doctrines: Salvation, Sanctification, and the Scriptures.
I’ve reported on it time and again, and I hate to sound like a broken record, but I’m meeting people all the time who tell me they too have seen what we see, and were encouraged by our stand for the truth. They, like us, are looking for other like-minded believers, and it’s great to meet them and fellowship with them. We truly are a remnant.
Rather than preach the Biblical means of salvation by “faith in the blood” of Jesus Christ, many today are preaching things like, “make your commitment to Christ,” or “Ask Jesus into your heart,” or “Beg God to forgive you.” What’s wrong with these? They aren’t found in the Bible! They are all things you can do in and of yourself (i.e. works), and they all by-pass “the finished work” of Jesus and faith in his blood atonement. I get so tired of people preaching these “Bloodless Gospels.” Yet you hear them being preached everywhere from the pulpits to the street corner. Why are those who claim to be Christians leaving out the Blood??? It appears someone let it “slip” when it comes to preaching the correct Gospel of salvation. Who could it have been?
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve asked other Christians about Brother or Sister so and so and heard stories of them falling headlong into sin. As much as it pains me to say it, the truth is our Churches are full of fornicators, adulterers, thieves, and liars. I’ve seen it time and again and heard story after story and it makes me so sick to my stomach to hear some of the things that are done by people who claim the name of Christ. They claim to be “Christians” but the sure don’t live like such. The word “Christian” means “Christ-like” but they are anything but. If you look at their lives they are full of sin, and completely eaten up with worldliness, bitterness, anger, hate, etc. And I’m just talking about many Ministers, Evangelists, Missionaries, etc., that I’ve known! I haven’t even gotten to those who are sitting in the church pew!
My wife tells me all the time how little preaching we hear against sin. I remember when I was newly saved, that men would preach so hard against sin they would spit when they spoke. Some even walked the pews and pointed fingers and named names. But where are these men today? One old Preacher said, “The thing the Pastor doesn’t preach against is usually the thing that will get into the church and destroy it!” How true.
But one thing I’ve learned in the ministry is the harder you preach against sin today, the less invitations you’ll get to preach in pulpits, and the less friends you’ll have. Maybe this is why we are in the mess we are in. Someone let it “slip” when it comes to preaching on Sanctification. I wonder who it was?

Finally, I find that I can’t get along with modern Christianity because they usually use another version of the Scriptures. I’m not talking about English, as those who I work with are King James only, just like me. However, in Spanish it’s a completely different story. There are those who use the 1960, the 1909, the 1865, and others, and they all are perverted Bibles with many doctrinal errors and problems. Yet, they don’t care. And what’s worse, they won’t work with you unless you use their perverted Bible version.
I’ve tried to explain this for years and point people to the best Spanish Bible—The Valera 1602 Purified. And, in my last prayer letter I sent a DVD about the whole Spanish Bible issue, telling as clearly as possible the problems with modern versions and where they come from. I hope it was a real eye opener, as most Fundamentalist Missionaries use a perverted Bible in Spanish. Why? Because someone let the truth “slip” about where those versions come from. I wonder who that could have been?
With all this stated, I must say that I often find that I feel like I’m just kicking against the pricks. That is, I’m trying to live right, do right, and preach right, but by doing so, I’m going against mainstream Christianity! And, by my not joining them in their folly, they think I must not be right with God, for I don’t do what they do. So, they turn against me the more. But I don’t want to change, nor do I want to live a perverse lifestyle, nor use a watered down Bible!
Thus, I find I’m at another cross-roads in my ministry: Do I even continue trying? Do I just quit and forget about the whole thing or do I continue with what I’m doing? It would be so easy to just give up. But to do so I find would be to go against the Bible, the truth, and my own conscience. Thus, I decided to just continue steadfast with the minimal support I receive. (I’m getting about 800 a month in support now, all of which goes to the ministry, and none of which goes to us). But something has eventually got to give. Either I have to get a part-time job to help pay bills, or I need more support and I’ll have to do deputation over again. (Something that will be hard, knowing what modern Christians preach about those three main things).
Please pray for me as I have to decide what to do. In the current situation we are in, we can’t travel much, so we are doing all we can where we are. And one thing I’ve found is that God’s given me almost more to do than I can handle Yet we get little support to do it. Please pray for this. I know God will supply our need. But I do ask for your prayers. I’ve seen too many preachers compromise the truth for fame and fortune. I would rather die than do so.
Time is short and I truly want to give “more earnest heed…” One thing I don’t want to do is let the important doctrines of the faith “slip.” Nor do I want to turn my back on God to get in good with the Pharisees and Laodiceans. I want to be a “true Christian” and not a “religious” groupie. For they willfully let things “slip” to augment their numbers. And this has made it so very hard for so many to find the truth.
That’s why we appreciate you all and your stand for the truth! God is good, and even though we live in the latter days where apostasy abounds, it’s still good to know there are others out there like you who also make it a point to “earnestly” stand for the truth.
For truth and right,

Robert Breaker
1 Sam. 12:24!