Welcome! Here you will find all of my prayer letters written ever since I started the ministry as a Missionary to Honduras, and then as I now am as a Missionary to the Spanish-Speaking People of the Americas. We hope to update this with our current prayer letter that we send out every two months.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

September - October 2014

But thanks be
to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.   (1 Corinthians 15:57-58)

Greetings again from the Breakers!
For several years now we’ve been busy “abounding in the work of the Lord.” We pass out tracts, witness, give the gospel to the lost, and yet it seems like very few respond. This has led to many nights in prayer with tears, begging God to use us even more, and help us to see some fruit for our labor. But God, as he always is, is faithful, and this month we finally were able to see that our labor was “not in vain!


In September, Bro. Erick Sanchez, a native Spanish-speaking missionary to Honduras called and told us he was preaching in New Orleans (about three hours away). He asked if I could drive over and pick him up and let him stay with us for a couple of days. I gladly accepted. (Some of you might remember him, as we used to have bible study in his home once a week in La Esperanza in Honduras.) Together, we had a great time of fellowship and we studied the Bible for almost two days straight! He had many Bible questions, like: “What is Abraham’s bosom?” “What is paradise?” “What’s the difference between Hell and the Lake of Fire?” “What about the Giants in Genesis 6?” And much more.
But before we drove to my house, I met the Pastor he was preaching for in New Orleans, and we talked for some time in Spanish. Turns out he was also from Honduras, and knew someone in the small town of Magdalena where I trained a man for several years named Elias Marquez. Elias was the Pastor of a “Santidad” (Holiness) church in the area, before I led him to the Lord. He then began preaching that salvation was by GRACE through FAITH, and not of WORKS, and when he did so, his congregation kicked him out. So, after he left the holiness denomination, we had Bible studies in his house for several years. To make a long story short, this Pastor in New Orleans called his friend in Honduras, and asked if he knew Elias Marquez, and his friend replied, “I sure do! He’s that NUT that preaches out on the street corner all the time! He’s also got a small group of people he’s teaching the Bible to in his house!
What great news to hear! Eventually I was able to get in touch personally with Elias via telephone, and he told me: “I’m so glad to hear from you! I’ve got all my notes from studying with you, and I’m enjoying preaching the Gospel to the people in my community! We are a small group of believers, but we are now starting a church and bible study in my home!” What a blessing! So God is still using what we’ve done for him in Honduras, and churches are still being formed from our time there! What an encouragement!


I’m amazed at how often people call us to ask questions about the Lord, the Bible, salvation, and more. I’m also amazed at how many people ask to visit with us personally and talk to us in person. Many of them just want fellowship. Others are earnestly seeking to learn more Bible. And even others are diligently searching for the right Bible is Spanish.
These last two months have been no exception, as I’ve been blessed to have several Christian families with attentive ears visit us here at our home in Florida. It’s always a blessing to impart unto them what we can.
We’ve also talked with lost people and been faithful in giving them the Gospel. Sadly, they chose not to get saved, but at least they listened. Please pray for Beth in Alabama, that she would get saved.


Most of you remember Kent Hovind, the Evangelist who preached on Creation and Dinosaurs in the Bible, and who was jailed by the IRS for their claim of tax evasion. In August, he was moved to the Santa Rosa county jail, which is very close to us. I visited him several times, and we talked about many things. I confided in him about wanting to do more for the Lord, and asked him what more I could do. He replied, “When I started my ministry, I looked at the need, and then said to myself: ‘How do I reach AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE with the message God has given me?’”
This was a great encouragement, and helped me to decide to do something I’ve been praying about for some time. I’ve been wanting to start an online bible study with good, sound Bible preaching and teaching for some time, but was afraid people might think that was our main ministry. Thus, I kept doing what we always do: printing Gospel tracts, passing them out, speaking to people one on one about the Gospel, etc. But after much prayer, and after speaking with Hovind, I believe it’s God will for us to do an online ministry along with what we are already doing.
So the end of September I started: www.thecloudchurch.org (in Spanish: www.laiglesiadelanube.com). I also started www.cienciacreacionista.com, and www.truthstandsaloneministries.com. I hope these websites will help people come to the truth of salvation, and for those who are already saved, I pray it will help them learn the Bible.
On The Cloud Church, I am preaching a video sermon each week in both English and Spanish, and posting them online. It’s mostly directed to the elderly, the sick, and/or those who don’t have a good Bible-believing church in their own area. But it’s also for pastors, missionaries, and Sunday school teachers, to help them with a sermon or lesson plan in their own church. I’m very careful to say: “We don’t want to steal anyone from your own home church! Nor is this ministry an excuse to stay home and stop going to your own home church! But, if you don’t have your own home church, and/or can’t find one, we are here for you! We desire only to preach the truth and ask you to do the same!
We truly desire to be a blessing, and not only reach the lost, but help those who are already saved with plain bible preaching and teaching, in the hopes they will disseminate the information to others. We encourage you to go to the site and check it out. I’m posting my videos on both youtube and vimeo! Please pray for this endeavor. The Bible says “cast your bread upon the waters.” And, that’s what we are doing. And what greater place than “the net” to get the word of God out to the sea of the masses in this present evil world? We’ve already had great feedback on my sermon: “The difference between the law and grace.” It seems to be a common favorite!
Finally, visiting Kent Hovind in jail also opened a door to get into the local jail more frequently. The end of October I took the required eight-hour course on how to deal with prisoners, which now gives me access to the jail anytime I want as a clergy volunteer. The chaplain says there is a real need to reach the Spanish-speaking population of the prison, so I hope I can do just that! Please pray for this, as God just keeps opening doors to minister and serve him.


As is always the case, it seems the more you try to do for the Lord, the more roadblocks you see in your way. And, we’ve certainly seen our share of those. The end of October, we had a little mini-disaster as my grandmother’s face swelled up because of a massive tooth infection. We finally got her on antibiotics but later the same day she fell and broke her arm, and we had to take her to the ER. Please pray for us, as she needs even more of our attention as we continue to take care of her. It seems the more we determine to do for the Lord, the harder things get, but I’m learning what it truly means to “minister” to others.


Most of you probably heard of the terrorist attack in Oklahoma of a muslim man beheading a woman at a factory. This was a horrible and atrocious act. But it was not the only act of violence that day.
The perpetrator also stabbed a second woman and attempted to behead her as well, but thankfully was stopped by an armed citizen. This second woman, I found out later, went to High School with me when I lived in Oklahoma as a teenager. She was even on the same track team as I was. That means muslim extremism (otherwise known as “workplace violence,” but should be called what it is: TERRORISM) came pretty close to home for me. Even though it happened in another state, it happened to someone I know personally. And, if the Lord doesn’t come soon, I fear this type of evil will happen more and more in America. The Bible tells us that “perilous times” will come. I believe they are already here! And one thing we should all remember is that Islam is not a religion! It is a political system which seeks to enslave the masses, and kill those who won’t go along with its despotic rule.

Please pray for our country! And as always, keep looking up!

Because of Christ Jesus our Lord,
Robert Breaker and Family
1 Sam. 12:24!